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  MegaPOV questions...  
From: rico
Date: 10 Jan 2000 17:32:00
Message: <MPG.12e3b9f494f914a9989689@news.povray.org>
Hello all,
	I've been away from POV for a while, just recently getting the POV 
bug again after downloading MegaPOV.  I've been eager to jump into the 
ISOSurface stuff, but am finding it hard to translate mind's-eye to code!  
<smile>  Are there any good tutorials on the web yet?  I went to one that 
is self-described as unfinished.  Are there others?
	A specific question: can the new pattern and function statements 
be used as normals on standard primitives??  I can't seem to get it to 
work.  Any URLs, tips, etc. appreciated!

Rich Allen

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